Live Out Your Highest Potential - Your Personalized Astrological Empowering Journey

Bridge the gap between astrological knowledge and practical action to achieve your life goals

"Live Out Your Highest Potential" is an exclusive 8-week premium one-on-one astrological life guidance program created by Linda Mendonsa. Your journey includes: three customized extended private sessions with Linda, exercises and strategies tailored to your astrology chart and life goals, and expert support based on your unique needs and challenges. ** You will pick a date that works best for you to start this program.**

Which of these apply to you?

  • Do you love the deep self-understanding you get from reading your chart...and now want to act on what you are learning?

  • Do you want to work with your chart, your transits, and progressions for a personalized path to reaching your goals?

  • Have you struggled to figure out how to use astrology in a practical way, to make a difference in how you live your life?

  • Do you get stuck when it comes to identifying the best next steps to take to live out your highest potential - based on your unique chart (and transits and progressions)?

  • Are you excited to use your chart as a map to guide you on what to do next to live your best life?

  • Do you want to get some practical strategies for taking action on your life goals, based on your own chart?

  • Do you want to have a personal astrology mentor to help guide you and also to help you make progress on your goals?

What will you receive when you sign up for Live Out Your Highest Potential ?

  • 8 weeks of personalized support, provided by expert astrologer and life guide Linda Mendonsa
  • 3 extended (90-minute) private sessions to dive into your unique astrology profile to customize your goals, strategies, and support
  • Private mentoring by email from Linda throughout the 8 weeks to support your progress
  • Customized meditations and visualizations to guide you on your journey
  • Personalized journaling prompts to help you go deeper into your goals and challenges on this journey
  • Curated strategies to reach your goals based on your unique astrology profile

Which plan works best for you?

How does the 8-week schedule work?

This is an 8-week private program, although this timeline can be somewhat flexible, to allow for vacations, unexpected events, etc.

You will schedule the first private 90-minute session with Linda after you enroll. 

The 2nd session will be scheduled approximately 4 weeks after the first session, to allow you time to make progress, and get mentoring throughout. 

Typically, the 3rd private session will be scheduled sometime during the 8th week.

This schedule is somewhat flexible, as the sessions are private, and will be for you to schedule at a mutually convenient time.

Note that we may take a "pause" if you need to schedule the 3rd private session after the 8th week. We can simply pause and re-start the mentoring support if the final session extends the program past 8 weeks.

Your Instructor

Director of Astrology Learners Academy Linda Mendonsa

I share my 40-plus years of experience with modern Western humanistic astrology and other holistic practices, and my positive philosophy of life with you throughout the entire program. I have been teaching astrology and other holistic practices for over 7 years. I teach students all over the world to read their charts and practice other holistic skills with confidence. I use my combined professional and educational background in astrology, tarot and other holistic practices, life coaching, sociology, and training in all my courses and readings. I am known for my friendly and engaging teaching style. I make the layered complexity of astrology, tarot, and other holistic practices easy and fun to learn and apply to your own life. I will be your teacher for the entire course - no "assistant teachers/mentors" in my courses. You get to work directly with me to guide you on your astrology and holistic practices journey. I look forward to meeting you!